September 8, 2024
School Zone Safety // Welcome back to another fantastic school year! As we kick off the week, let’s keep this important safety tip in mind:
1. Sidewalk Side Only: Always drop off children on the sidewalk side of the vehicle, away from traffic. Dropping off on the street side puts kids at risk from oncoming cars. If necessary, adjust car seats or the vehicle’s setup to make sure children can exit safely on the sidewalk side every time.
2. Plan Ahead: Parents and guardians, please consider your car seating arrangements to ensure safe exits. Schools can help by reinforcing this message with families.
3. Lead by Example: Whether you’re a driver, parent, or school staff, consistently using the sidewalk side for drop-offs sets a strong example of safe practices for everyone.
Let’s work together to keep our children safe this week and every week! 🚌
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